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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

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  1. Toronto is not Gravenhurst. A 40 storey cap at one of the city’s biggest transit nodes, in a neighbourhood that supports office, residential and retail? What a joke. Keep North Toronto’s humble commercial streetscape and gentle, leafy side streets but leave Y&E free to become the best urban whatever that it wants to be. 70 storeys might not be enough.

    The only problem with Minto is that it is too short.

  2. It’s a shame to see artists leave T.O.(as I’m one) but sometimes living expenses takes presidence over life style choices.

    ONe can continue to make great art somewhere else, and come into the city to sell it. Nothing wrong with that. With even less distractions and expenses mind you!

    Bravo people.

  3. I’m with uSkyscraper: the proposed cap is silly. Why is the status quo always sacrosanct in Toronto?

  4. A few years ago I predicted that the art scene might migrate to Hamilton.

    Guess I was right.

  5. yeah, seriously, what is the theoretical harm caused by a super-tall bldg at Y&E?