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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Event Guide: The Toronto Trilogy — Architecture for Humanity lecture series

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AGO Galleria Italia, by Aleatha Cox

Architecture for Humanity Toronto (a4hTO) is presenting its 2009 Lecture Series starting next Monday. This year the lectures are hosted by the Design Exchange.

Episode 1 – “Toronto Remembered,” will take place at 6:30 pm on Monday, February 9, 2009 on the Trading Floor at the Design Exchange, 234 Bay Street, Toronto-Dominion Centre.

Join Chair of the Toronto Society of Architects, Antonio Gomez-Palacio, Professor Emerita and Senior Scholar Frances Frisken of the Urban Studies Program at York University, and Patrick M. Cummins from the Toronto Archives for a fascinating discussion that will explore our past intentions, how closely we adhered to them, how far we departed from them, and what we have potentially gained and lost in constructing our built heritage. The panel will be moderated by John Lorinc, author of The New City.

The Toronto Trilogy lecture series will be in four (!) parts:

Episode 1 – Toronto Remembered
Episode 2 – Toronto Present
Episode 3 – Toronto Future
Epilogue, examining how to merge the City with a 21st century Canada.

Photo of the AGO’s Galleria Italia by Aleatha Cox


One comment

  1. Christopher Humes(columnist) makes some great points last night on The Nature of Things(CBC) about Toronto’s “lack” of moving forward as a city which were a sigh of relief.

    I’d be interested to hear this discussion about Toronto’s past, and why or what is holding it back from “thinking big”.

    Maybe it’s more a psycological, subconscious mentality we have to not take risks, i don’t know.

    Link to “Living City”: