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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Improv Everywhere give 2,000 high-fives on NYC subway

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Improv Everywhere, the performance art group that cause “scenes of chaos and joy in public places” recently spread some joy in Manhattan’s 53rd Street and Lexington Avenue subway station by giving everybody (who wanted one) a high-five. 2,000 were given in all. It’s remarkable how a small thing like this can generate smiles so instantly — it’s hard not to smile just watching the video. Full documentation here, but here is a sample of their statement:

The subway station at 53rd Street and Lexington Avenue can be a nightmare in the morning. Thousands of commuters make a daily transfer from the E or V train to the 6 train. The first part of the transfer involves taking one of two giant escalators, which both run up in the morning to accommodate the huge crowd.

Everyone is generally in a pretty crappy mood when they’re making this transfer with a herd of other people at the crack of dawn. It was definitely a location in need of a bit of fun.



  1. Improv Everywhere never ceases to make me smile. Nicely done, and this one was simple!

  2. I love improv everywhere!

    They have a knack for identifying and unifying urban communities, even when the people within those communities think of themselves as strangers.

  3. Its technically not improv because the “actors” planned the event.

  4. Simple, co-operative and fun! Thanks Shawn for sharing.

    *high five