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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Event Guide: “Urban Goddess: Jane Jacobs Reconsidered” — World premiere on TVO

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TVO is premiering what sounds like an interesting documentary about Jane Jacobs’ legacy tonight (Wed. Feb. 18) at 10 pm. The documentary features the work local community group Active 18. Here’s the blurb from TVO:

The View From Here: Urban Goddess: Jane Jacobs Reconsidered — World premiere

Airs on TVO Wednesday February 18, 2009 at 10 pm.
(Repeats Sunday February 22 at 10:35 pm and Wednesday morning — i.e., late night Tuesday — February 25 at 1 am)
52 minutes

When Jane Jacobs died in 2006, Canada lost one of its loudest and most persistent urban voices. What Jacobs advocated is well known: short blocks, mixed-use buildings and diverse neighbourhoods. Urban Goddess: Jane Jacobs Reconsidered considers the livable city: an issue that directly impacts the quality of life of the majority of the world’s population. The documentary examines the champion of neighbourhood activism’s legacy, through two redevelopment disputes: one in New York and the other in Toronto. These disputes raise many of the same issues Jacobs encountered 50 years ago. It also looks at Vancouver, a city frequently put forward as a shining example of Jacobs’ livable city philosophy. The documentary asks “Is Jane Jacobs’ legacy intact?” and, more to the point, “Is it still valid?”



  1. Thanks Dylan. I hope to learn more about Jane Jacobs legacy tonight on TVO. I know very little about her. I will also do a little back-research on her to give me a head start(*like i’m currently doing research with Maple Leaf Gardens.. and it’s unfortunate situation of it become a grocery store)

  2. Thanks for the heads-up, Dylan. I would have missed this if it wasn’t for your post and Shawn’s “Tweet” about your post.

  3. Does anyone know the optimal rabbit ears orientation for TVO? 😛

  4. Will anyone be recording this?.. torrent it?

  5. Ben I have been told it repeats Sunday February 22 at 10:35 pm and Wednesday morning — i.e., late night Tuesday — February 25 at 1 am

  6. Ben, TVO is UHF Channel 19 in Toronto. I’m not sure which direction the rabbit ears should be facing though.

  7. Some here might think this Spam but here’s a sampling of why these nice ideas won’t get anywhere with ALL this OnGoing & no Investigations by Municipal Affairs

    We’re Out of Control in Ontario as MMA etc Usually Out Golfing