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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Miller ain’t listening folks. He’s got the power and is far too committed to his social experiment AND making certain all his employees are not forced to share any of the economic pain or discomfort.

    Don’t you just love the spin… buttons included. Nothing like wasteful packaging Mr. Miller.

  2. Oh.. and today’s the ACC’s 10th Anniversary!

    How time flies..

    A tear still drips from my eyes in adknowledging the Garden’s was closed and bought over to be used, potentially and literally, as a grocery store/parking lot. And apparently not all memerobilia have been transfered over to the ACC. Such a shame, for a culturally canadian “shrine”.

  3. Nothing like the hot air whining of jeff and his anti-Miller rants with no substance or fact. I don’t mind critiques of Miller (he deserves it) but I loathe hollow comments that sound like they are coming from the horrible comments section of the Sun, Star and Globe. Just knee-jerk reactions and little thought. That’s why I like Spacing’s site since it gets 90% good discussions and debates.

  4. Funny how the Sun is supporting a TTC fare hike along with a 3% property tax increase now. If that was originally in the budget, the Sun would have screamed murder over it.

    Can the writers of that rag even think for themselves, or do they simply suck off anything a right winged politician says?

  5. Sonia if you like miller that’s fine. I don’t any longer. He has disappointed me greatly based on his lack of meaningful performance. You want more substance? So would I.

    FYI I don’t read the Star or Sun excepting the odd posting here on spacing.

  6. “You want more substance? So would I.”

    So pony up, jeff. If you’re so smart, you can come up with something besides “Miller bad! Squawk! Miller bad! Squawk!” And if you can’t come up with something else, well….

  7. You make me laugh.

    You know the list as well as I. And this budget demonstrates more.

    Unless of course you are a public service employee which from the sounds of it….

  8. jeff> No, we don’t know the list, because you don’t respect readers here enough to explain your position.

    We do have lots of commentors here that disagree with either the writer, or the subject (be it Miller or etc) but they make an argument and back up their statements, and it’s part of the discussion. Yours don’t do that, rendering them off topic spam (off topic because you refuse to put any substance in your ad-hominem statements) — this is laid out in our comment policy:

    We will no longer approve your comments that do not contribute to the conversation. Please feel free to disagree, but respect us enough to tell us why with facts and substance.