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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. London calling is in the Sun, not the Star.

  2. The Metrolinx story is a bit depressing.

  3. Why does mostly everything that comes out of Mr. Humes fingers(*his Star column) just makes sense?

    I’m not saying he’s not without errors or critics, but for the most part he’s right on.

    This particular article is interesting to read though because he sounds like he’s discussed this issue before, but he’s simply angry and upset at government who have done about transit in this country.

    He’s not alone on that one.

    I guess i feel like Mr. Hume, and alot of other people out there, that we need to speak out and discuss issues like transportation in our country more. But more importantly, getting the word out to politicians and people who actually make real decisions in this country. Blogs are great, but where’s the initiative? So many people leave great ideas and smart solutions to issues in most newspaper blogs. Do many politicians read blogs? Are blogs effective in getting the word out??

  4. To Twitters fans out there.. i guess we could all jam Mayor Millers Twitter account with complaints eh?(haha) That’d be one usefull thing from Twitter.

  5. Gee wiz Parkdalian, get a blog already. It’s good to post comments but wow, you write more than the writers here, and it’s so much in the ramble-on-and-on dep’t. Self edit! You say some point points here and there, but too much! Or seriously get a blog.

    Sorry for the rant. Too much! Going back to just reading now. Thanks.

  6. Zapruder: I’m merely making my points, however rambly they may sound.

    Where is your point or comment regarding this post or others btw? You know by reading, you’re not actually contributing to any discussion. Are blog posts not for this?

    And, I don’t want to start yet another blog on the internet because i’d just be making my points “twice”.

    *Oh, but that’d just be rambling. My mistake.

  7. Parkdalian’s comments are always appreciated by me, Zapruder; yours wasn’t. On the other hand, Parkdalian, you should start a blog, with the ideas you’ve contributed.