Here’s a rare but welcome sight — a vehicle parked on the sidewalk being ticketed.
Too often, parking half on the sidewalk is treated as normal, and you see it everywhere. It’s good to see that some parking enforcement officers know it shouldn’t be happening.
Yes please!
It looks like a the officer was on a bicycle who was giving the ticket. I hate it when the parking officer or police office has a car that is also blocking the road.
I wonder if citizens can ticket these kinds of infractions like “citizen arrests.”
My pet peeve is people who park in bike lanes on College Street even though there are parking spots carved out of the sidewalk for that purpose. They think that because those are filled, it’s their right to obstruct cyclist traffic.
I’ve been collecting pics on my phone of people parked on sidewalks. I have license plates and everything. I keep meaning to post them on
Along the same lines as the site Todd mentioned, there’s also
You can also just tell the driver you are calling parking enforcement. Even if you don’t have the number, I find that they usually move
I’ve heard there is a real problem with sidewalk parking at 401 Richmond/Spadina area!!
Great! Now if they’d only issue tickets for idling infractions. One time I asked a cop to do so (or at least ask the driver to turn off the engine) for a limo that was idling forever at Dundas Square and of course he gives ME the hard time.
as much as i applaud motorholics and passholes taking their lumps, I was hit by a bike cop today on Seaforth. Of course he nailed my game shoulder with the plate and screws. Of course I yelled expletive deleted. Of course he agreed it was indeed a sidewalk. Do bike cops get acquainted with the HTA? If nothing this is a bad example. He did not ask if I was ok but took off. Hit and run! By a cop!
The Building System Technology Students at Seneca College have entered into an international design competition.
The competition, sponsored by ASHRAE (the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers), challenges Students do design energy-efficient and sustainable buildings.
The focus of the this year’s competition is on office buildings. To this end, the team at Seneca has begun to put forward their design of a 15,650 sq. ft. office building located in Toronto.
the Students, in the interest of sustainability and urban renewal, have selected the vacant exterior bus terminal at Eglinton Station.
Through advanced construction techniques, renewable energy sources and sophisticated HVAC systems, the team hopes to design a building of LEED silver caliber and one which fits into design paradigms of the neighbourhood, while increasing the functionality of this woefully underutilized space.
The Seneca Team wishes to appeal to the people of Toronto and solicit their design advice and recommendations.