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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Toronto slows down to build up


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Regular readers may have noticed a decrease in the amount of posts here on Spacing Toronto in the last week or two. As we put to bed the latest issue of Spacing’s print magazine, the focus of our limited resources shifts offline for a brief period. Once the magazine is sent to the printer  regular posting will start again, including information on the launch party in April. In the meantime, check out what’s up on Spacing Montreal or, well, subscribe to the magazine so you can get it before it hits the newsstands — or give it to somebody as a gift. What urban-minded mom wouldn’t want a nice little Canadian magazine subscription for Mother’s Day?

Photo by stevejonesphotos.


One comment

  1. Just wondering if anyone has noticed the new garbage bins around town? I noticed them for the first time this weekend on Bloor street and Danforth/Broadview. They are PLASTIC. And hideous. I dig the shape. I dig the functions. I dig the pedal. I dig the hole for cigarette butts. But huge grey/green plastic containers on our streets looks tacky and crappy and cheap and unsightly.

    Plastic? Sure, it’s durable, but those metal bins we all complained about for years are looking better and better.

    Plastic? That’s what we came up with? How demoralizing.

    – Laurel