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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Re the car-free condo — sounds like a great idea. Why am I not surprised city staff is against it? I swear, city staffers seem to have their heads stuck in the sand on so many issues… are they ever champions for progress, instead of defending the status quo?

  2. Agreed, Paul. It’s laughable that they used the fact that no existing condo currently has a majority of cyclist tennants as their rationale. These are probably the same people who keep nixing bike lanes because there aren’t enough cyclists currently using the busy roads.

  3. While I don’t like that condo at that spot on University Avenue (there is no residential between Richmond and Bloor), I’m all for trying new development concepts they think they can get away with (and get financing for).

  4. For those that are interested, a PDF of the staff report on the car-free condo is here.

  5. DRL makes so much sense, it’s nice to see a local politician push for it. DRL doesn’t eliminate the need for a Queen street subway as well, stretching from the Beach (Beaches, whatever…) to Square One in Mississauga. Look at a map – it’s practically a straight line. In the best of all possible worlds, where GTA tax dollars stayed in the GTA, Queen Street would be an express/local line like the NYC system. But of course our job is to subsidize Quebec and the Atlantic provinces. Anyway, maybe both lines could be sold to the federal government as necessary to win 905 ridings.