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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing launches Atlantic blog in Halifax

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HALIFAX — Last night at the Eye Level Gallery in Halifax, the editors of Spacing launched our newest adventure: Spacing Atlantic!

Spacing Atlantic is the third blog added to our lineup, joining sister blogs Spacing Toronto and Spacing Montreal. The Atlantic blog will cover urban landscape issues in cities across the east coast from St. John’s to Fredericton, Moncton to Charlottetown, Saint John to Sydney.

Our launch party attracted over 150 people. Most of the people I talked to expressed a great deal of excitement that Spacing could help further the discussion about a variety of public space issues that are slightly off the local radar, especially from a political standpoint (read the Spacing Atlantic post about Halifax’s transit plan debate to get an idea). As publisher of Spacing, I’m eager to learn about the challenges east coast cities face as they become more sustainable and embrace progressive urban design (the debate about the scramble intersection in Charlottetown is a perfect example). We’ve assembled a great cast of contributors and think this venture will be a rip-roaring success.

Halifax’s alt weekly The Coast has nice review of the event. You can also check out the photos of the event on our Flickr account. Many thanks to Dan Mattison of for his photographic skills.

Spacing Atlantic contributors (left to right) Hugh Pouliot, Alex Boutilier, editor Jake Schabas, and publisher Matthew Blackett.
