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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. From “we won’t pay”

    “The TTC and by definition the riders, shouldn’t be paying for this,” Giambrone said. “It is very clear that the TTC is not at fault and everyone knows that the Yonge subway runs under Yonge St.”

    Oh dear god.

    Um, Mr. Commission Chair Sir – the Yonge subway doesn’t run under Yonge Street in that area. If it did, the contractor (who didn’t cut into *Yonge* Street) wouldn’t have impacted the tunnel.

    While the TTC might not be “at fault” in that they did not order the work to be done, had they signed up to Ontario One Call the contractor would likely have known exactly what was under the road.

    Next time TTC has a SNAFU could the councillors please step back and the operations guys please step forward?

  2. Mark: Re comment about TTC’s participation regarding OneCall.

    I’m no fan of the TTC Chair and I agree with your comments about having someone with more expertise handling more technical matters on this story. That said, are you sure that TTC is not participating in the OneCall program? That really doesn’t sound right (as in possible). If participation by agencies such as the TTC is voluntary, I’d say that it’s not just the TTC at fault but whoever is responsible for administering the program, which I assume is the province.

  3. One Call is an organization of the utilities that don’t want their pipes and cables cut. Toronto Water would be a member but not TTC. That said, someone messed up big time. I’ved worked on 3 jobs over and in the Tunnel at Jackes and you can feel the Subway shake your toes with every Car passing under. Typically having experienced the situation TTC will blame everyone other than themselves until the Cows come home.

  4. What does it take for a provincial or federal funding deal to materialize for the TTC? A tunnel collapsing killing hundreds?