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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Tuesday’s headlines

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• Bike lane backlash [ Toronto Sun ]
• Toronto streets a job hazard, ex-courier says [ Toronto Star ]
• City peddles bikes to its employees [ Toronto Star ]

Rider makes no apologies for hoarding [ Toronto Sun ]
Last gasp for tokens [ Toronto Sun ]
The TTC gouges. We squeak and pay up [ Globe & Mail ]
Coping with TTC token shortages and the coming fare hike [ Metro ]
• TTC last in line for smartcards [ National Post ]

TTC herders to ease bottleneck at Bloor station [ Globe & Mail ]
• TTC herding riders to ease bottleneck [ Toronto Star ]
Pilot project ushers in complaints [ National Post ]

• Traffic Officer Tweets Top 10 Driving Pet Peeves [ Toronto Sun ]
• Confusing intersection a vicious circle [ Toronto Star ]

Ont. stands by street racing law despite ruling [ CBC News ]
• Stunt driving law hits legal rut again [ Toronto Star ]

Deer wanders into downtown Toronto [ Toronto Sun ]
•  No hellos, it’s T.O. [ Globe & Mail ]
Goar: Street kids’ toughness only skin deep [ Toronto Star ]
Maligned ROM Crystal named one of world’s modern-day marvels [ National Post ]
Midtown showdown [ National Post ]


  1. I counted 31 TTC staff and Special Constables on Yonge/Bloor SB today. What would these folks normally be doing in the morning?

    I’m not saying this project shouldn’t be done, but there did seem to be a number of staff just milling about, and the number of SCs on duty seemed excessive. However, it’s better than last week where TTC staff on union pay rates were handing out leaflets – which on most days during the school year high schoolers do for credit.

    I doubt this project is costing less than $1,000/hour. I hope it’s worth it.

  2. From “Bikeland Backlash”

    ‘”They’re parked there quite often,” said Orest Zakydalsky, who lives a few doors from the cafe. His mother and aunt were both dinged with $60 tickets for blocking the bike lane on the day city management posted bike lane signs without warning during the civic strike. ‘

    No warning? If I recall, those bike lanes were there for weeks without “no stopping” signs before city staff got around to putting them up. You kept parking there, knowing that you were avoiding a ticket on a technicality, and then have the nerve to whine about it when you eventually got caught? Amazing!

  3. There’s no point in having a roundabout if it’s still a 4 way stop. The whole point of roundabouts is to keep traffic moving at all times. There are dozens of them in the Waterloo region and the work very well.

  4. The roundabout on Broadway Ave, at the bottom of the hill up to Bayview, also has stop signs. What a joy when you’ve built up lots of speed on your bike to make it up the hill, only to be forced to stop behind the line of cars going through the domino stop sign dance at the roundabout. Kind of misses the point.