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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Am providing a link to a story from this weekend’s Star on the province’s plans to urbanize a huge part of Simcoe County north of the GTA.–planner-slams-simcoe-sprawl

    Further proof that the province continues to talk out of both sides of its mouth… saying it is trying to do all it can to promote sustainable living, improved transit, and bring urban sprawl and traffic congestion under control ALL THE WHILE making land use decisions that are will exacerbate the mess we are in.

  2. There’s definitely something fishy going on there. The Simcoe Area study discusses these “strategic” places, but fails to clearly justify their existence. I would encourage everyone to read this document and educate yourself about this issue, as if these developments take place, in 30 years or so we may be looking at development all the way up the 400 from Toronto to Orillia.