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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. I appreciate the fact that Smitherman is talking about public spaces. He’s wrong in saying that they’re underutilized. The problem is they’re often undermaintained, and he’s concerned about that. Some parks never see graffiti removed. High Park is supposed to be a crown jewel of the system, but the roads are crumbling, there are overhead wires. I remember one road sign was so crooked as to be sticking out of the ground at almost a 45 degree angle. It wasn’t straightened in over a year.

    It’s a sign of real love for a city when you care about its public spaces. In discussions about transportation, taxes, and finances which might dominate this election, it’s easy to lose sight of how undermaintained and unpolished many of our public spaces are. We’re a prominent national city with 2.7 million people; our politicians need to bring the issues of public spaces to the forefront as well.

  2. I really enjoy the pairing of the Star’s headlines about Earth Hour. 🙂