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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Tuesday’s Headlines

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Driving & Transit
• Commuters on Go transit can now use electronic smart cards to pay fares [ National Post ]
• Is there free city parking for an elite few? [ Toronto Sun ]
• Driven to distraction [ Toronto Sun ]
• TTC wants a streetcar named… [ Toronto Sun ]
• TTC refuses to let mayoral campaign be about anything other than the TTC [ Toronto Life ]

City Hall
• Rob Ford apologizes for 2006 AIDS comment [ Toronto Star ]
• Rossi clarifies God in city hall comment [ National Post ]
• City poised to extend food, drink monopoly for eastern beaches [ Globe & Mail ]
• City ‘tinkering’ with designs of waterfront hockey arena [ Globe & Mail ]

Other News
• OSPCA to euthanize 350 animals at York Region shelter [ Toronto Star ]
• Toronto police recording encounters with public [ National Post ]
• Banksy makes his Canadian debut [ Globe & Mail ]


  1. OSPCA is completely WRONG to euthanize 350 animals at its Newmarket shelter for something as treatable as ringworm – a fungal skin condition. All it takes is time, perseverance and a cheap skin cream (Conofite) to treat. It seems the OSPCA is being lazy or more concerned with money and effort than animals’ lives.

  2. Easy with the accusations, Sam. Nicole is new to the headlines feature and still finding her feet. A simple “here are a few other articles” will suffice.

  3. It is too bad you can’t link to Radio shows. I caught Yvonne Bambrick on CFRB this morning. She did very well. As she said, the city’s own data shows University is operating below capacity, This on top of Adam Vaughan’s observation: ” The reality is, if you go down there at rush hour, there are no cars on Adelaide whatsoever, ” and on Richmond “And then when you go to Richmond Street, there are flocks of 20 cars at a time every five minutes but in between … you can’t see a car for 30 or 40 blocks in either direction.”, confirms this.

    Gridlock is not a downtown issue. There is room for bike lanes (unfortunately due to other issues though).

  4. I would also add to your missing headlines:

    Joe Pantalone wants a bylaw to let bars serve during early games —–world-cup-drinking-at-10-a-m

    For someone whose biggest accomplishment is his opposition to liquor licenses, it was amazing to read that Pantalone remains quite ignorant of the relevant laws:

    “It looked for a time Friday as if Pantalone’s effort might have missed the net. His motion asks council to request the change from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.

    “But the AGCO told the Star that, since the City of Toronto Act was passed in 2006, the city has had the power to “extend service and sales (of alcohol) for events of municipal, provincial, national or international significance.”

    “‘They could do that by passing a bylaw.’

    “‘That was a surprise to me,” said Pantalone,”

    A surprise??!! Is such ignorance the real reason Toronto can’t distinguish between a bar and a restaurant?

  5. JP being offside on the CoTA is a shocker – isn’t his whole schtick about how he doesn’t have to learn on the job?

  6. Mathew,
    I didn’t make an “accusation”… just noted that some stories were being left out. Peace.

  7. Sam’s right that he didn’t make an accusasion… well, until he suggested that Spacing wasn’t including headlines because they didn’t like the topic.

  8. Louise… still not an accusation on my part… but a statement that articles should be included regardless of what POV they espouse. I didn’t say this was the reason articles had been left out of the digest but certainly suggested it as a possibility. Don’t want to drag this out but there is a difference.