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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Thursday’s Headlines

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• Smitherman tests TTC’s accessibility [ Toronto Star ]
• TTC bus driver charged with impaired driving [ Toronto Star ]
• Finally, Presto lives up to the name [ Toronto Star ]
• Bus lane on DVP could get GO ahead [ Toronto Sun ]
• Feds get free pass on transit [ Now Magazine ]

City Hall
• Oops! Councillor’s mistake derails bike lanes on University Ave. [ Globe & Mail ]
• Council puts off wrangling with holiday shopping [ Toronto Star ]
• ‘God’s law’ against holiday shopping, Mammoliti says [ Globe & Mail ]
• Plan to open pubs earlier approved by city council [ Globe & Mail ]
• Ford under fire, but denies revealing tax figure [ Toronto Sun ]
• Parking costs city workers back taxes [ National Post ]
• James: Of 26 mayoral hopefuls, only six invited to debates [ Toronto Star ]

Streets & Sidewalks
• Star forum will bring drivers, cyclists together [ Toronto Star ]
• Stroll: Shawn Micallef’s flâneur manifesto, revisited [ Eye Weekly ]

Urban Green
• The Fixer: Who sprung for spring tulips? [ Toronto Star ]
• G20’s green ‘signature’: a living wall [ Globe & Mail ]

City Building
• Documentary details life in crumbling apartments [ Toronto Star ]
• Design panel, city butt heads over hockey rink design [ Globe & Mail ]
• Waterfront rink is about more than ice and parking [ Globe & Mail ]
• What the #!%*?: Build Toronto’s bold blueprint [ National Post ]



  1. This mis-vote on University Ave. bike lane is just ridiculous.

  2. I am sure that if Rob Ford had pushed the wrong button it would be used as further proof that he is unfit to be Mayor.

  3. Have to agree with Glen. If it was Ford instead of Fletcher…people would be having a field day. I wonder if we’ll see anything on Fletcher’s incompetence?

  4. Are you saying that you think he is fit to be mayor?

  5. With amendments and amendments to amendments flying left and right, it can difficult to keep track of does Yes means yes to bike lanes or, as in this case, No mean yes to bike lanes.

  6. Glen and Vince:

    Ford has already proven he is not fit for mayor. And, simply put, Fletcher is not running for mayor.

    That’s not to say Fletcher’s mistake vote is over-the-top silly.

    Its a shame a technicality screwed this up since a pilot project is just that — a testing ground. The Star’s position on this bike lane is so out of whack. They demand the City try to be innovative and when they propose a test they get slammed for it. Hopefully the Star gets the mayor they want and then they can turn and complain about him too.

  7. Louise,
    I don’t necessarily think Ford is a great choice for mayor, even though I like some of his ideas and proposals. He definately puts his puts his foot in his mouth on occasion. I’m just saying I would like to see things kept more on an even keel. Frankly, I’m not overly impressed with any of the six main candidates thus far. The person I would have liked to see run for mayor decided not to run unfortunately.

    I too would liked to see this test project go through, just for curiosity’s sake.

  8. The bike lanes on Jarvis required the expenditure of considerable political capital … in terms of positioning the so-called “progressives” for the upcoming municipal election, it was a pyhric victory if there ever was one. The University bike lanes were turning out to be another lightening rod for those unhappy with the current administration. I’m not saying the Jarvis or University bike lanes were a bad idea (or a good idea)… but there’s a reason these proposals are being made hay of.