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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. chris;
    mostly I do draw people.
    but I got involved with spacing through my streetcar drawings.
    I never knew there was such a lust for
    street scenes that were “off-street” so to speak.
    check out my flickr site ( )
    I really have a very high focus on people.
    and bikes.
    I just happen to like the big red weird transit machines a heck of a lot too.
    I also like making people scrinch up their eyeballs and go “wow!”
    a bit like magic eye.

  2. I love how you draw streetcars, they are a really interesting shape that morphs with different perspectives. You capture the reflections and sense of movement beautifully.

  3. Thank you Jerry, I enjoy a lot your impressions, your urban landscapes. I also have the feeling that there are many street defining elements worthy of representation, windows, trees, buildings, doors, infrastructure, people, sidewalk patterns, etc., “streets” in a generic way, the public space . Chris