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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Tuesday’s Headlines

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G20 Aftermath
• Cabinet secrecy opens doors to legal challenge [ Toronto Star ]
• Pressure builds on Ottawa for compensation [ Toronto Star ]
• Menon: People of the world, never let the G20 come to your city [ Toronto Star ]
• Could G20 medicine be worse than the disease? [ Toronto Star ]
• Ontario won’t call inquiry into G20 chaos [ Toronto Star ]
• Miller pushes for compensation, blames Ottawa for G20 chaos [ Toronto Star ]
• Feds helped with Quebec City’s 2001 summit hangover [ Toronto Star ]
• RCMP unveil secret security command centre [ Globe & Mail ]
• After the ‘brutal spectacle,’ life goes on, undeterred [ Globe & Mail ]
• Toronto Police to review G20 response [ Globe & Mail ]
• National civil liberties group demands accountability [ Globe & Mail ]
• Jonathan Kay: Toronto, city of wimps [ National Post ]
• G20: Summit ends, cleanup begins [ National Post ]

G20 Protesters
• “I will not forget what they have done to me” [ Toronto Star ]
• Outraged protesters rally against police [ Toronto Star ]
‘• Kettling’ police tactic controversial everywhere it was used [ Toronto Star ]
• Police defend crowd trap at Queen and Spadina [ Toronto Star ]
• Thousands stood up for humanity [ Toronto Star ]
• Anxious loved ones pack bail courts [ Toronto Star ]
• U of T’s student union stands by decision to house protesters [ Globe & Mail ]
• G20-related mass arrests unique in Canadian history [ Globe & Mail ]
• Police chief offers no apologies for G20 tactics [ Globe & Mail ]
• 1,000 protest police tactics [ Globe & Mail ]

Other News
• Ombudsman slams city for woman’s sewer backup nightmare [ Toronto Star ]
• Homes at risk over new subway exits [ Toronto Star ]
• Hwy. 401 remains closed at Dixon after stabbing [ Toronto Star ]
• Controversy dogs pride parade [ Toronto Sun ]

One comment

  1. Do yourselves a favour and skip Jonathan Kay’s editorial in the National Post. As far as this tard cares, Germany could have won WWII and Canadian soldiers who died protecting our freedoms were all in vein.