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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Friday’s Headlines

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• Another day, another debate [The Star]
• ‘I’m my own man,’ Pantalone says [The Star]
• Hume: Looking forward to the past [The Star]
• The Smell Test: Cost of Jarvis bike lanes [The Star]
• Election Ephemera: Weirdness on the fringe [The Star]
• Smitherman makes abrupt exit from debate [Globe & Mail]
• Rossi blasts sole-source deal to Torys [National Post]
• George Smitherman’s truth: Levy [The Sun]
• Ford needs to take axe to the arts [The Sun]
• Comparing the Ford and Smitherman financial plans [Toronto Life]
• Mr. Popular: why Rob Ford’s winning over Toronto [Toronto Life]

• No automated door? No problem [The Star]
• Peter Kuitenbrouwer: From Brunei to B.C. to Bloor [National Post]
• Vaughan mayoral candidate accuses rival of financing violations [National Post]

• High school locked down after gun fired [The Star]
• Gun violence at GTA schools since 2000 [The Star]
• Third suspect taken into custody after shots fired at Toronto school [Globe & Mail]
• Police budget: why can’t we debate it? [National Post]

• TTC slows smart card decision after warning [The Star]
• TTC will seek agreement with province on new fare card [Globe & Mail]
• Read the Ontario Transportation Minister’s letter to the TTC [Globe & Mail]

• Weekend road closures [The Star]
• Fiorito: Curious dispatches from the bed bug summit [The Star]
• K’naan inspires at We Day celebration [The Star]
• TIFF’s new Lightbox proves magnet for business [Globe & Mail]
• 311 records show that rich people still use their phones more than Google [Toronto Life]


  1. “311 records show that rich people still use their phones more than Google” – what a dumb headline. Should be “311 records show that rich people call 311 more”, which is not exactly surprising. They pay higher taxes and expect services for it, and as others point out they are mostly homeowners who actually need information about services that relate to property maintenance.

    Also, there is a class issue here with regard to “fix it, I deserve it” vs “I’m exhausted and beaten down and I have more important things to worry about and I don’t expect The Man to take care of me anyway”. New York is no different — visit any poor neighbourhood and streets are absolutely filled with litter and grafitti. The wealthy neighborhoods have none, and if any appears someone will call 311 to take care of it. If you are proud of your neighbourhood and have the luxury of time to help maintain it you will call more than if you just are trying to get home and get dinner on the table with money you don’t have in a place you’d rather not be renting.

  2. The comment on TL about renters needing 311 less as some city services handled by the landlord was more on point.

    As for We Day – was yesterday a school day or was there some kind of PD day happening for TDSB teachers? Either way, why the hell were a bunch of schoolkids cramming onto the peaktime Yonge Subway with us wage slaves yesterday? If these kind of events must be held, the least they can do is not exacerbate pinch points in the transit system.