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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Tuesday’s Headlines

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• Miller pushes politics of surplus [The Star]
• Rob Ford: The wrong kind of right [Globe & Mail]
• Chris Selley: Rob Ford team reveals its dirty laundry while on a high [National Post]
• Silly Hall games: Levy [The Sun]

• GO Transit’s pledge: Better, more courteous service [The Star]
• The Fixer: Dead-end street a surprise to drivers [The Star]
• Behind GO Transit’s passenger charter [National Post]
• GO Transit launches passenger charter, promising improved service [Globe & Mail]

• Hume: Tower renewal a tall order for Toronto [The Star]
• DiManno: Tenants at 200 Wellesley left twisting in the wind [The Star]
• Owners reunited with missing snakes [The Star]

• Principal charged with stealing student funds [The Star]
• Toronto school closings may get even more fractious [Globe & Mail]

• Are you wearing a poppy? [The Sun]
• Remembrance Day Toronto 2010 [The Sun]

• What happened at G20 between police and the people? Discuss [The Star]
• Did city caretakers dress as KKK and perform racist chant? [The Star]
• Refugee claimants flow steadily into Canada [The Sun]


  1. Sue-Ann Levy really does take the cake, doesn’t she? What a horrible, horrible person she appears to be. Has anyone here met her? Is she this awful in real life?

  2. Not usually a fan of Marcus Gee, but this piece (Rob Ford: The wrong kind of right) is right on.

  3. Holding Case Ootes up as an example of a virtuous outgoing councillor is laughable.  The attitudes that Levy attributes to various outgoing councillors perfectly describes Ootes’ normal day-to-day method of operation.  He never returned phone calls or emails, and his office staff were usually somewhat surly or just didn’t care. 

  4. I agree – Marcus Gee’s article “Rob Ford: The wrong kind of right” is spot on accurate. There is a kind of right wing Mayor that could work for Toronto – a John Tory type who can mix red and blue, conservative and progressive. Ford (and Lastman, for the matter) isn’t that kind of animal

  5. Re: Miller pushes politics of surplus.

    Of course he is pushing this out to the media. It is all about protecting his legacy. He must do this prior to the new Mayor and council getting a more detailed look at the books. Miller is going to ride of into the sunset proclaiming he left the city in good financial shape, while the new council is going to be wondering how to repay the 3 billion taken from reserves over Miller’s tenure.

  6. Yes Glen, David Miller sure does have some gall suggesting that a budget surplus means the city’s finances are in good shape.

  7. @416expat…
    Yes, Glen has a hell of a lot of nerve for suggesting that the Miller surplus was a result of cooking the books… I mean, depleting the hundreds of millions of reserves that had been built up by the time Miller entered office shouldn’t enter into the picture at all. Right?