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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Thursday’s Headlines

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• Peter Kuitenbrouwer: Ciao, Joe [National Post]
• Mississauga council approves Ward 1 recount [National Post]
• Where Miller gets off [Now Weekly]

• City hall rookies 2010: Kristyn Wong-Tam [The Star]
• City hall rookies 2010: Jaye Robinson [The Star]
• The bawdy politic [Eye Weekly]
• Rob Ford’s outsiders [Now Weekly]

• Dufferin underpass forces new route, but TTC leaves bus stop to nowhere [Globe & Mail]
• What the #!%*? is the deal with the new TTC board [National Post]
• Streetcar driver charged for hitting police cruiser [National Post]
• Toronto gridlock ’embarassing’ – new councillor [The Sun]
• Travellers concerned about public pat-downs [The Sun]
• The TTC art of Sigmund Serafin [BlogTO]

• Parade delay left Santa fans feeling cold [The Star]
• Library rejects Ford’s fiscal austerity [Globe & Mail]
• Peter Kuitenbrouwer: Waiting for the ice [National Post]
• Toronto Zoo scales back energy production plans [The Sun]
• Zoo worth $47M to province’s GDP [The Sun]
• Private sector could lower city’s panda tab [The Sun]
• Tranzac Transcripts: Tamara Lindeman [Torontoist]
• Tim Burton talks about his retrospective [Toronto Life]

• The Fixer: Bell should hang up on pedestal box [The Star]
• 800 homeowners fined over false fire alarms [The Star]

• We become indifferent to gun threats at our peril [Globe & Mail]
• McCallion inquiry could finish under $7-million budget [National Post]
• Toronto police farce, Part 2 [Eye Weekly]