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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. I think this is my favorite illustration so far!!!

  2. This is a larger painting 30 inches by 22 inches, while my usual sketches are 7 inches by 7 inches
    also this one is referenced to the original sketch so it has a more distilled emotion to it.
    sometimes I like to work quite large using the same basic tools (pen and crayon) I have several 50 inch bay 50 inch drawings that are quite stunning but they not oriented to spacing themes of transit, urban living planning and managing etc.

  3. if I weren’t a poor grad student, I would very much like to own this piece (especially at the larger scale)! Where was this from? The towers suggest it is close to Yonge street (maybe the Annex?). But I am also an ex-Torontonian, so I am a little out of the loop!