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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Tuesday’s headlines

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• Toronto mayor too busy meeting with Leafs GM to attend Pride event [Globe & Mail]
• After meeting with Leafs’ Burke, Ford opens door to going to Pride [The Star]
• Updated: Questions about Ford’s absence as city kicks off Pride Week [National Post]
• Political Panel: Rob Ford’s week of Pride [National Post]
• No reason for Ford to attend Pride Parade [The Sun]
• Rob Ford deserves his spanking [The Sun]
• Toronto auditor eyeing Fords’ lack of spending disclosure – but penalties far from certain [Globe & Mail]
• Audit committee sets sights on councillor Di Biase’s finances [National Post]
• Toronto debt $4.4B and rising [The Star]

• Funding cut to festival that hosted play about Toronto 18 [National Post]
• Controversial theatre company loses federal funding [The Sun]
• New cricket pitch added to city’s “low inventory” [National Post]
• Bank flies in stars to help grow cricket in Canada [Globe & Mail]

• What’s wrong with a new methadone clinic on a quiet Toronto street? [Globe & Mail]
• Hume: The war (of 1812) is over, but the battle continues [The Star]
• End of the line for Mississauga trailer park residents [The Star]
• Burlington pier could cost another $5.8 million [The Star]
• Danforth residents have mixed feelings about condo project with deadly history [The Star]

• Mail to flow Tuesday, but could be a mere trickle in Toronto [The Star]


  1. I don’t know why there is such a big deal about the mayor and gay pride events, as far as I know, Mayor Ford isn’t gay, so why the big deal? There are thousands of events held in the city every year, the mayor can’t attend them all, so the mayor, like any other mayor picks a few he might be interested in, and attends those. Just like every mayor has done previously and every future mayor will. Whether the mayor is there or not, doesn’t really make any difference.

  2. “I don’t know why there is such a big deal about the mayor and gay pride events, as far as I know, Mayor Ford isn’t gay, so why the big deal?”

    Rob Ford attends a lot of things that, as far as people know, he isn’t a member of.

  3. Spacing continues to manufacture controversy over the mayor not disclosing office expenses, only in Canada can a politician be crucified for generously covering expenses out of his own pocket. Somehow this makes us all serfs in a feudal system. Pathetic. More Torontonians are directly affected by the Sino Forest meltdown on the TMX or the crisis in Greece but the Pinko crowd would rather we emulate the PIIGS then learn from them…

  4. I think accusing him of being “homophobic” for this decision is a bit overboard. If he were a private citizen, it would be totally within his right to choose to go to or not go to any event without being labelled anything. The problem is that as the mayor of Toronto, if there is a major event that brings hundreds of thousands of people from around the globe to the street of Toronto, it is his job to promote that and be there. This must be one of the biggest, if not the biggest, cultural event in Toronto with a global reputation. He was skipping his job when he did not show.

  5. What’s wrong with a new methadone clinic on a quiet Toronto street?

    The link seems to be wrong.

  6. Can someone name a major city in North America whose mayor did not attend a gay pride parade this year or earlier in their term?  I can’t find one other than Oklahoma City, which is stretching the definition of “major” and “city” a bit…  

    Ford skipping all the pride events is not being anti-gay… it’s downright anti-Mayor.

    Summary after 7 months:

    – only major city in North America to cancel construction of a funded light rail line
    – only major city in North America to not have Mayor attend a gay pride parade
    – only major city in North America to remove more bike lanes than it built in a year

    Wow.  Can’t wait for the next 3.5 years.