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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Wednesday’s headlines

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• Cash-strapped Welcome Policy should get dollar caps: report [Globe & Mail]
• City’s Welcome Policy program frozen for 3rd time this year [The Star]
• More gravy at City Hall [Toronto Sun]

• Private toll tunnel under Gardiner appeals to Doug Ford [Globe & Mail]
• We need to get creative with transit, not force tolls: Doug Ford [The Star]
• Consider road tolls and parking charges: Report [Toronto Sun]
• Council calls for uniform cabs on Toronto streets [Globe & Mail]
• Toronto should have iconic cabs like New York, London: councillor [National Post]
• Who is John Galt? [National Post]
• Proposed extra fee for those who lose parking-ticket challenges goes back to drawing board [National Post]
• Thumbs-down to court fee [The Star]
• The Fixer: Drivers slam-dunked by deep utility cut [The Star]

• How does your neighbourhood rank? New site lets you compare [The Star]
• Toronto’s ‘buy local’ food policy under attack [The Star]
• Fiorito: Some Parksdale residents worried about new methadone clinic in the neighbourhood [The Star]
• The Fixer: Time to replace Sin Sandford’s plaque [The Star]


  1. Who voted for doug ford? Does this guy really run a company? Jeez. He comes up with some of the most idiotic ideas and shouts them to the media when they are listening. So far as I can tell if doug had his way we had have a disney style monorail servicing an outlet shopping mall and an nfl foot ball stadium in the portlands which is surrounded by acres of parking for all doug like folks who drive cadillac escalades. Of course those folks would take the new 5$ tunnel neatly placed below the gardiner.

    Soon or later the people of the city will realize that doug and brother the mayor are a cancer to this city. We are going to be in a sad shape when they are done undoing everything the city has managed to complete in the past decade. Wake up folks. Its getting ugly!

  2. Interesting how the right-wingers on Council (and elsewhere) keep pushing private-public partnerships like they’re the solution to all the City’s woes, yet call every example thereof that’s in place “gravy” and a misuse of City funds/authority.

    Just this week, see:
    “Below Market Rent” policy that lets community groups provide services to citizens
    Lakeshore Lions Area
    WaterfrontTO plans


    … and Artscape, Brickworks, Centre for Social Innovation. All creative, dynamic and efficient non-government organizations that leverage the maximum value out of any City support while providing excellent services to the community. A principled conservative should welcome such excellent use of scarce resources. But the Fords are not true conservatives. They are populist culture warriors who would cheerfully spend public dollars on pointless symbolic gestures, just to make some anti-pinko point