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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Thursday’s headlines

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• Toronto mayor’s snub of Pride Week gives bigots cover to spew their bile  [Globe & Mail]
• Ford undecided about attending Canada Day celebrations [Globe & Mail]
• Mayor Ford, don’t be too proud for Pride [NOW]
• NOW Magazine offers to fly Ford to Pride parade [The Star]
• Place your bets: Mayor Ford to attend Pride? [The Star]
• Rod Ford at Pride: what are the odds? [The Grid]
Is Rob Ford a homophobe? The question is irrelevant [The Grid]

• Eglinton LRT ready to launch [The Star]
• Why the Jarvis Street bike lanes matter [The Grid]
• Caroline Macfarlane: bike resuscitator [The Grid]
• Toronto won’t be getting uniform taxi cabs just yet [The Grid]

• Power plant foes question council’s priorities [The Star]
• OMB approves 10,000-unit plan for Downsview lands [The Star]
• Durham’s controversial trash burner clears second-last hurdle [The Star]
• Why local chefs are pissed at quarry proposal [The Grid]
• Committee gives thumbs-up to graffiti proposal [The Star]
• Quoted: Councillors, experts weigh in on city’s graffiti [National Post]
• Graffiti Management Plan approved [The Grid]
• Toronto launches battle against graffiti [The Sun]

• Toronto website gives deep look at neighbourhood statistics [Globe & Mail]
• City launches neighbourhood wellbeing website [National Post]
• James: City wants to hide priority neighbourhoods, pretend they don’t exist [The Star]
• City looks at scrapping ‘priority neighbourhood’ designation [National Post]
• Neighbourhood labels blasted by councillors [The Sun]
• Mapping queer Toronto [NOW]
• Ben Spurr on methadone and NIMBYism [NOW]

• The Fixer: A hole beneath the street threatens Pride parties [The Star]
• Chief on the defensive [NOW]
• Council wants summer patios all year long [The Sun]

One comment

  1. Edward Keenan’s commentary in the Grid is the most even-handed analysis of Rob Ford’s decision not to attend Pride.  His argument that Ford’s true crime is not his bigotry, but his inability to shunt aside his personal beliefs from the role of leadership (citing Paul Martin) is profound.  Reading this article, I felt the experienced hands of a master of analysis and rhetoric at work; more than once it reminded me of Hannah Arendt’s “Eichmann in Jerusalem”.

    If there were an award for “article of the year” from a Toronto journalist, this piece would be the most deserved.