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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

NEW PRODUCT: Montreal Metro buttons & magnets!


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Probably the most asked question Spacing has received in relation to our Toronto subway button/magnet series is this: “When will you be making buttons for Montreal’s Metro system?”

The time has come. The beautifully retro designs of 25 central Metro stations can now be shown off on your lapel, bag strap, or on your fridge.

Spacing is now offering our readers a chance to buy a set of 25 one-inch magnets or buttons! For $25 you get a set of buttons and for $30 you get a set of fridge magnets. You can also buy individual station buttons ($2.50) and magnets ($3.50).

Go to Spacing’s new e-Store and check out the vast selection of items we have for sale (almost all of them make good stocking stuffers!).
