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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing release party May 29th at the Brick Works!


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WHAT: Spacing release party for Summer 2012 issue
WHEN: Tuesday, May 29th, 7:30-midnight
WHERE: Evergreen Brick Works, BMO Atrium
COST: free! (mag costs $5  ///  discount subscriptions at the door)
RSVP: Check out the event listing on Facebook or email us

What would Toronto look like if a disaster hit our city? What would an earthquake do to our buildings? Are tornadoes a part of our future? What about an extended fuel shortage or a drought in the farmlands of Ontario? And what would happen if the CN Tower fell over? The Americans wouldn’t invade us for our water — would they?

In Spacing’s most cynical and apocalyptic issue ever, our contributors examine all the big, bad scary things that could rock the foundation of Toronto. And what better place to have it than along the edges of the Don River at the Evergreen Brick Works, one of the many places hit hard by floods during Hurricane Hazel in 1954.

Come out to our release party on Tuesday May 29th at the Evergreen Brick Works. We will have prizes to be won in our raffle (Patagonia stuff, movie passes, bike accessories, etc), a handful of disaster themed activities, and a few new merchandise items for sale.

Magazines will arrive in subscribers’ mailboxes during the last week of May and into the first week of June. You’ll be able to pick up a copy on newsstands starting June 5th.

cover illustration by Steve Murray



  1. Don’t make Rob Ford angry. You won’t like it if you make him angry.

  2. Will a high resolution copy of the artwork be available anywhere? This would make for a fantastic print or desktop wallpaper.

  3. Leo: Yes, there will be prints available at our release party and through our web site (new service coming next week).

  4. Silly question but I’ve never been to the Brick Works after dark without a car…how do you get out of there?

  5. James: Closer to the date we’re going to compile a list of directions/ways to get there. We plan to have the info readily available at the party as well.

  6. Are you going to  be arranging to keep the shuttle running late? Weekday service normally stops at 7pm and it’s a long long walk to Broadview station.