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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Stroll City begins today on TTC Subway screens & your Toronto tweets are needed

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Today a new edition of the StrollCity project begins. I use my Twitter account for a bunch of things, keeping an eye on stuff I like following, including a lot of Toronto tweeters, but also I see it as my public notebook. It’s where I talk about what I’m researching at the moment, or simply just putting out instant observations of city life. For the next three weeks we will channel some of those observations through the @StrollCity Twitter account and up onto TTC subway screens at regular intervals. We don’t want it just to be my tweets up there, so follow and tweet your own observations to the @StrollCity account and they’ll appear in rotation there too. I have no reservations for over-tweeting, and neither should you. Let’s give the folks waiting for a train something to read and a reminder that there’s a city out there waiting for them.

This project is a production of Onestop Media, Coach House Books and Art for Commuters.


One comment

  1. I had a good tranist journey, departing from Kipling station to the wilds of Spadina station via transit. It was just a brief interlude in the city, but a good one. Because the destination was Chinatown and Beyond, I wandered the universe!