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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing takes home three awards at Canadian Editors event


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It is with great pride that Spacing shares the news with our readers of three awards we won last night at the Canadian Society of Magazine Editors gala.

The magazine took home:
• “Best Front of Book” (those quirky sections, features and columns in the first handful of pages)
• “Best Canadian Magazine Blog”
• “Best Canadian Magazine Web Editorial”
• Runner-Up for “Best Canadian Small Magazine” (congrats to the winner THIS magazine)

We’re obviously grateful to the contributors of our magazine and blog network whose creativity and passion make our publication a success. We’re also extremely thankful to our dedicated readers in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa and Halifax who pick up the magazine on newsstands, subscribe for a handful of issues, or comment/share/re-tweet our digital content.

Over the coming months Spacing will be adding new digital features that will make visiting and our blog network an even better experience.


One comment

  1. Congratulations Matthew and to all your contributors over the years that have combined to make Spacing an “overnight success story” culminating in these very well-deserved CSME magazine awards!
