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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Instaflaneur: Inflation is garbage in Scarborough

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A weekend wander in Scarborough turned up this ancient sign, representing a municipality that no longer exists. It appears that back in the good old days, if you nicely placed trash, it was ok. Not so today. The megacity is all about inflation and no loopholes, as you can see below.




  1. I still get mail addressed to “City of York”, another municipality that no longer exists.

  2. The by-laws that have not been replaced by new amalgamated by laws or repealed are still in effect – even though the municipality that passed them doesn’t exist.  I believe that there are some very old bylaws dating from the 19th century still in effect even though most have no relevance to our modern world.  This includes many that have gone through several amalgamations back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries along with the amalgamations that took place in 1953 (when Metro plus 12 other municipalities were created under the new regional affiliation) and 1967 when places like Weston, Forest Hill and Swansea lost their status as municipalities.