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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Friday

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  1. It looks like there may be less money coming then thought. Why not consider a better and less expensive plan.

    Connect the SRT to ECLRT and elevate it over the Scarborough Portion of Eglinton. This gives you the 7 new stations (not 3), it eliminates the forced transfer, and it provides a transit network for Scarborough – not just a short extension of the subway or an LRT tacked on to the end of a subway. The cost premium would be in the $300M to $400M range, not $1B, and much of the +/-$320M for the Kennedy Station would not be “wasted” since there would be an LRT station there.

  2. Awesome idea Walter – I’ve been wondering why that wasn’t the plan all along. Does anyone know why?

  3. Walter, your idea makes sense generally, but without transfer, will there be more people funneled to Yonge line where it is over capacity, instead of transferring to BD line, which is probably more desirable from TTC’s perspective?