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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. West Island’s beach is not “the cleanest beach in Toronto”. It’s not even in the top 10. You guys need to fact-check your articles for basic accuracy.

    Ian Darragh seems unaware of all the lake infill happening in the rest of Toronto right now. How does this compare to the Don’s rewilding, or Tommy Thompson Park? I don’t care so much about what cottage country is up to when it comes to urban development.

  2. “The Ontario government has staff lawyers and unlimited legal resources…” In other words, they’re fighting us with our own money. The whole thing makes me heartsick, literally. I feel sick and helpless when I realize how a small cabal of power-hungry, anti-social politicians have been able to bully us all into submission. What are we supposed to do now? Torches and pitchforks? Might not be a bad idea. What a well-written article. What a heartbreaking story.

  3. I know the author and the photographer and as a journalist myself I can guarantee this is a thoroughly-researched, fair and balanced, and accurate documentary. The Government scandal at Ontario Place is just one of Doug Ford et al’s attack on our natural commonwealth under the guise of affordable housing and economic growth. It’s not. Please add your voice to opposing these mega projects including Highway 413 across the Greenbelt.

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