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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Future of Island Airport Delayed

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Spacing seems to be the first media outlet reporting that the federal report on the Toronto Port Authority by Roger Tasse has been delayed. The report, which was expected to be completed by September, is now expected to be done by October 15th. This is not particularly good news for those wanting to see the dysfunctional TPA dismantled as soon as possible, but if it takes another month to get it done, we’ll just have to wait.



  1. Assuming that Tasse comes to the conclusion that the TPA should be dismantled.

  2. Even if the Tasse report recommends dismantling the Toronto Port Authority, that doesn’t get you to a closure of Toronto City Centre Airport, much less a park “for all the citizens of Toronto”. If the federal government does disband the TPA, they would probably turn the airport over to the GTAA (which might save us the billion or so dollars it would cost to ruin North Pickering with the airport the GTAA has announced its intention to build).