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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Friday’s Headlines

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• Rossi seeks rail tie between TTC, GO [ Toronto Sun ]
• Cops want to punch subway perv’s ticket [ Toronto Sun ]
• TTC union defends bus driver charged with driving while impaired [ National Post ]

City Hall
• Fletcher blames fatigue, computer system for mis-vote [ Toronto Star ]
• Cyclists won in end, councillor says [ Toronto Sun ]
• Toronto idol: Mayoral edition [ Globe & Mail ]

City Building
• Markham council leads the way toward sustainable development [ Toronto Star ]
• Hume: Everything you want in a condo, and less [ Toronto Star ]
• Rethinking downtown Mississauga [ National Post ]
• Construction sites shaky on safety, study find [ Toronto Sun ]

Other News
• OSPCA ‘heard the outcry,’ suspends mass euthanasia [ Toronto Star ]
• Queen’s Park will be G20 protest zone [ National Post ]
• Parents urged to avoid daycares in security zone [ Globe & Mail ]


  1. I need a place to rant about Rossi.

    Sure, it’s a great idea to promise GO transit for the price of TTC to Dundas West or Main Street. However, as Mayor of Toronto, that would be impossible to implement. Rossi is just trying to grab votes from ignorant voters. By the way Rossi, GO trains are pretty busy at rush hour as well.

    Perhaps this opens the discussion about Transit in Toronto – but I don’t think that was Rossi’s intention.

  2. More proof that Rossi has no idea how this city/region is structured and run. While integrating transit between GO and TTC is a great idea (and not original), his proposal is not based on reality and the complexity that comes with it.

    Where’s the discussion on who pays for this ride, the enforcement of ‘one stop’, the reality that ‘one stop’ doesn’t reach the outer areas of the city, and yes of course the pressures on the GO system.

    Almost every line hits a subway stop (Kennedy, Main, Dundas West, Leslie, etc.). Does the TTC have capacity to handle transfers at these locations? Many of the stations, as designed and built, are not integrated with their GO counterparts (i.e. Leslie, Main, etc.), how much will that cost?

    While a lot of these details are operational (and not appropriate for a mayoral debate), Rossi is avoiding the contentious policy issues with fluffy announcements that will add up to nothing.

  3. Star had a much stronger story on construction safety blitz… pointing out that since 1990, 405 construction workers have lost their lives on the job. Imagine the noise we’d be hearing if this many police officers had died on the job. Why isn’t this more of an issue?

  4. Re Markham Council article.

    Hey, wasn’t there an article just a couple days ago condemning the Markham council for their voting down of the farmbelt idea and decided to build more low density housing? This article is written by the President & CEO of the Building Industry and Land Development Association. Since when did Spacing start helping the spread of developers group propaganda?

  5. Fallen Wall Makes Pedestrian Mall (sort of)

    That’s my own pretend headline for the effects of that Salad King Bldg. partial collapse has had on Gould St. Now that Gould is dead-ended there’s hardly any traffic there or on Victoria between Gould and Dundas. Sure makes my walk to and from Dundas subway or Eaton Centre a lot more pleasant every day.

    Thank you, unwitting workman who removed the wrong beam holding up the bricks!