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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Streets to Screens tonight

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Streets to Screens September 21 Bonus Screening

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
7pm • Toronto Free Gallery • Free/PWYC
Canada Vignettes: Toronto (Canada, 1978 • 1min)
City Limits (Canada, 1971 • 28min)
Regina Telebus (Canada, 1973 • 19min)
The City (Canada, 1972 • 14min)

Come out to the Toronto Free Gallery for the first night of free screenings courtesy of the Toronto Public Space Committee and the National Film Board of Canada. The films revisit the heyday of urban expansionism that swept the nation’s cities during the 1970s. Don’t miss the late, great, Jane Jacobs in City Limits!

Suggested donation: $3 or PWYC
