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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing and Daily Dose of Imagery present…

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Toronto’s Old City Hall • photo by Sam Javanrouh • see it larger

Spacing asked Sam Javanrouh of Daily Dose of Imagery a few months ago to take the cover photo for our new issue. We wanted to capture a unique angle of City Hall so we convinced the fine folks at the Sheraton Hotel to let us do a photo shoot from the top of their roof. Sam also spent time photographing the surrounding buildings and sightlines during our allotted time. For the next week, Spacing and Sam are teaming up to show you five of the amazing shots he was able to capture using the popular tilt-shift lens, which makes objects appear like tiny models.

Cross-posted to Spacing Votes 



  1. I love those kind of pictures, making everything look like models.

    Got the new issue of Spacing this morning. Which is very nice as it usually comes weeks after the release.

  2. We’ve finally fixed the subscriber/release party problem. Glad to hear the mag is arriving in good time, too. Sometimes Canada Post will take 1 day or 3 weeks to get an issue to our subscribers. And we have no idea why.

  3. Yeah, the last two issues were about 3-4 weeks late. It was a pleasant surprise opening the mailbox.

  4. We have outsourced to a very dedicated firm in Mumbai and they take care of business like you wouldn’t believe.

  5. I’m glad you got Sam to take these shots, he’s got an eye for the city that very few people seem to have. This is a wonderful photo.