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Miller campaign embraces My Space, You Tube


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cross-posted to Spacing Votes — post by Josh Hume

David Miller has joined the ever-expanding legion of self-promoters by establishing his own MySpace page, Matt Kang reports on BlogTO. Note the “Details” section, where Miller lists his occupation as “Mayor of Toronto” and his hometown as “San Francisco.” Currently, 73 ‘friends’ are listed on his page and he has yet to make a blog entry.

While MySpace has its humble origins as a social networking page similar to Friendster, it has become something else entirely: a community where any individual or organization, including magazines, indie bands and even hollywood films, go to promote themselves to the public. Miller is presumably hoping he can harness the success of MySpace for his own election campaign.

The Miller camp has also posted a 90-second election ad on YouTube, originally unveiled at his campaign launch in the summer, that plays more like a music video than a campaign spot.

As Kang points out, he and his staff certainly deserve credit for recognizing how to target the youth demographic.



  1. that’s one of the best campaign ads I’ve ever seen! It says nothing policy wise (that can be attacked) but leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling.

  2. i dug the video and i liked the cinematography. however, i felt the tokenistic diversity was a little over the top?