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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Tungsten Arts at City Hall Speakers Corner

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Spacing contributor, Eye Weekly editor, father and Passionate Torontonian Edward Keenan started this thing called the Tungsten Arts & Letters Society Outdoor Word & Music Adventure. Tomorrow night (Wed) is the 3rd installment but we have been tardy in posting these events, but you can now RSS the blog and keep track for yourself. As for tomorrow:

It is our tremendous pleasure to remind or inform you of the third installment of the Tungsten Arts & Letters Society Outdoor Word & Music Adventure, taking place this Wednesday October 4, 2006 at 6:30pm at the speaker’s corner at City Hall. (Please note: it is near the statue of Winston Churchill in the southwest corner of Nathan Phillips Square — not, emphatically NOT, anywhere near CityTV.)

The theme will be politics. There will be a reading of literature by Susannah Daindow, a reading of jokes by Nick Flanagan, and a reading of a speech that the Prime Minister should deliver by host Edward Keenan. Music will be played by our house band, Bacon of Brunswick.

As always, there will be refreshments by Grandma Donna Keenan, this time including hot drinks, if the rumours prove true. Cuteness by Colum Keenan. Unwarranted hype by the Globe and Mail and Toronto Life.

Also as always: membership cards will be available.

Also also as always: there will be no sound system, there will be no booze, there will be no washrooms. And for the first time, please feel free to bring a blanket or folding chair to sit on, as there apparently will also be no seats. The adventure continues!

Also also also as always: the whole thing is free of charge.
