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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Traffic Tales movie night

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The Streets to Screens movie series will feature two movies about sustainable transportation on Thursday, October 26, at the Bloor Cinema at 7pm.

The ‘Traffic Tales’ programme features the CANADIAN PREMIERES of Stefan Schaefer’s buzzworthy ‘Contested Streets: Breaking NYC Gridlock’ and Clarence Eckerson Jr’s documentary short ‘A Conversation with Enrique Penalosa’. Read all about these films.

Tickets are $9 at the Bloor Box Office, and all funds raised go to support the Toronto Public Space Committee. The film will be followed by a Q&A discussion panel moderated by Constance Exley of Planners for Tomorrow, and featuring:

* Les Kelman, Traffic Management Centre Director for the City of Toronto
* Yvonne Bambrick, Streets Are For People/PS Kensington
* Maogosha Pyjor, Community Bicycle Network

Councillor Adam Giambrone is also tentatively scheduled to speak.
