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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Prison rape is funny.

    So is starvation.

    Oh – and landmines. Laugh riot, those landmines.

  2. Alecks:

    this is a comedy show, not laughing at real life events. Relax.

  3. Mika – you’re right.

    Prison rape never happens in real life.

    That’s why it’s funny.

    A similar principle applies to dolphins getting caught in industrial fishing nets: hilarious. Fictional and hilarious.

  4. Alecks — are you from Utah? How high is your moralistic pedestal?

    You can make off-colour jokes that are satirical in nature. There is no victim in this comedy sketch, its not showing anything in poor taste.

    If you want 100% clean fun go watch the Treehouse channel or hang out at church. Oh wait, there’s been too many sex scandals with churches so maybe I shouldn’t make that joke either….