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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Another thing, you should probably snap up ‘’. Beats having ‘’.

  2. It would be great to see Spacing staff create a group on …

  3. Yes, Myspace is over. Facebook is the new black!

    We used it to promote our NYC pillow fight (Saturday) and the numbers just continued to swell until it got to 1700… just on Facebook.

  4. true enough. i concur with kevin & dave… things barely last 5 minutes anymore before they’re already over LOL

  5. About the facebook, it should be a group on facebook, not a brand new account ^^”, well at least thats what I think…

    well by using a group you wouldn’t need to add people as friends… mehhhh its all good anyways 😀

  6. Maybe we need a facebook myspace agent to handle these things. he/she will also tell us when facebook ain’t it anymore, and tell us where it is good to sign up next.

  7. MySpace is awful. But Facebook is pretty good.

  8. For those that are members of the Urban Toronto or Skyscraper City Forums, they both have Facebook accounts too. Just look for them in the “groups” section.

    I guess being on the Spacing MySpace site would mean I were “MySpacing.” 😉