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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Public space as a tool for world peace

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Budapest, 2004

On March 17, 2007 Peace Signs will be formed on every continent of Earth. The demonstrations will take place in London, Nairobi, Buenos Aires, New York, Prague, Santiago, Bombay, Bogotà¡, Monrovia and Budapest.

It’s become a yearly event around the world and was started four years ago by members of the Humanist Movement. An ingenious way to us public space around the world in the fight for world peace.

Here in Toronto, together with the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War, the Hiroshima Day Coalition, the Humanist Movement, Torontonians will mark the anniversary of the war in Iraq by creating a Peace Sign in Nathan Phillips Square.

The group estimates that around one thousand standing bodies are needed to form the Peace Sign.

photo by Attila Kopias on flickr


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