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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Thursday’s Headlines

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• No ‘fore’ as gold club hacks maples [ Toronto Star ]
• Police probe GTA links to U.S. guns [ Toronto Star ]
• Driver’s get a few breaks [ Toronto Star ]
• Road repairs hampered by red tape, officials say [ Globe and Mail ]
• Escape to oasis of transit tranquility [ Toronto Star ]
• Run, don’t walk if I see a timer [ Toronto Star ]
• Temperatures drop as winter makes its ‘last gasp’ [ Globe and Mail ]
• Breathing new life into Irish history [ National Post ]
• Road holes tar for the course [ Toronto Sun ]
• No easy answer to ticket disputes [ Toronto Sun ]
• Hydro’s $5M man [ Toronto Sun ]
• Open up, privacy czar tells Liberals [ Toronto Sun ]
• A tale of two loves [ Blog TO ]
• Greening Toronto’s concrete slab towers [ Reading Toronto ]
