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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

TAKE A GUESS: name this intersection, March 20th

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We want you to identify this intersection. Leave your guess in the comments section: we’ll hold on to your picks until 3pm when we’ll unveil the answer. If you want to see a larger version of the photo check it out on Spacing Photos.

UPDATE AT 3pm: The Gardiner was a dead giveaway, and most folks guessed the general area. The photo was taken on the southwest corner of Jarvis and Lake Shore in the 1960s (not specific date was attached to the photo).



  1. That’s definitely the Gardiner under construction…based on the railway bridge in the back, I’m guessing Lake Shore and Jarvis or Lake Shore and Sherbourne?

  2. Guessing Lakeshore and Sherbourne looking NE tx

  3. I’m having a bit of a hard time figuring out if it is Jarvis and Lake Shore, or Sherbourne and Lake Shore, but the year is about 1962. Not Parliament as the intersection is a right angle – Queen’s Quay meets it at an angle there.

    I’ll just make a wild 50/50 guess and say (Lower) Jarvis and Lake Shore.

  4. I am going to say, Cherry and Lakeshore.

    Regardless, it’s a cool shot. I’ve never seen a shot of the Gardiner under construction.

  5. I know it’s Lakeshore, by an uncompleted Gardiner, east of downtown – the railway underpass and the distances along the cross-street are a big clue. I don’t know which building we’re on the steps of, however, so this could be either Sherbourne or Jarvis… tough to say.

  6. Looks Lakeshore with the Gardiner under construction, somewhere in the east, close to the tracks. Probably Jarvis or Sherbourne.

  7. Well, the east-west road has to be the Lakeshore east of Yonge in the early sixties. But the north-south road, is it Jarvis, Sherbourne, or Parliament? I’m going to guess that it’s Jarvis & Lakeshore looking northeast from the old OPP building. And if I remember correctly, the water tower in the distance is on the old Hallmark building (now George Brown College).

  8. That’s very definitely Lake Shore Blvd & Jarvis, taken from what is now the Loblaws parking garage.

    Out of curiosity, what (now-demolished) building is the photographer standing in front of?

  9. lakeshore and either sherbourne, jarvis or parliament?

  10. Harbor St and Lower Sherbourne

  11. Jarvis and Lakeshore looking Northeast, I think. It could easily be any of the other intersections that include Lakeshore and the Gardiner… but I think I can make out the roof of the St.Lawrence to the west in the picture.

  12. Lake Shore Blvd. & South Kingsway, during Gardiner construction? That could be St. Joe’s hospital in the distance. It looks like the picture might have been taken at the foot of the QEW monument.

  13. Hmm, seems like there’s only so many places this can be… I’m gonna go with Lakeshore & Jarvis.

  14. Parliament and Lakeshore, looking north?

  15. I know this one is relatively easy, but I still don’t know. It’s obviously at Lakeshore facing northeast, somewhere between Yonge and Parliament. Because Lakeshore is partially exposed in front of the Gardner that narrows it down to Jarvis or Sherbourne. Between the two, Sherbourne has an exit ramp which isn’t in this picture (unless it hasn’t been built yet). So I’m going to have to go with Jarvis and Lakeshore.

  16. It’s Lower Jarvis, or Lower Sherbourne.

    Looking north, at a partially constructed Gardiner.

    My guess is Sherboune.

  17. Or yonge. Yeah, I change my guess to yonge.

  18. looking up jarvis street from steps of LCBO headquarters with 62 ford fairlane in the foreground

  19. This is the Front Street Extension bordering Ward 19/20 in Trinity-Spadina.

    This photo was taken yesterday before the federal budget was announced.

    I hope the front street extension stays this way.
    It’s pretty.

    The End.

  20. I’m thinking either Lower Jarvis or Lower Sherbourne at Lakeshore Blvd looking north – it’s a bit hard to tell which because I don’t recognize the steps in the foreground – don’t think they still exist.

    If it’s Sherbourne there should be an off-ramp off the Gardiner here, but since it’s under construction, it might not have been put in yet – other details match Jarvis better.

    Reason I don’t conclusively say Jarvis is the buildings popping up behind the railway corridor don’t quite fit – but maybe they were demolished when the St.Lawrence/Crombie Park area was redeveloped? If one of them is the Berkely Castle, then I’m thinking Sherbourne would fit better… but I’m not sure it that really jives… maybe I’ve missed another clue?

    I love the Niagara Structural Steel labels along the sides of all the beams!

  21. Sherbourne & Lakeshore looking NE.

  22. During the building of the Gardiner Expressway at Lakeshore & Sherbourne. Or perhaps at Jarvis…
    Kimon K

  23. The steps in the foreground belonged to (from the Inventory of Heritage Properties)

    Orange Crush Limited, 1946; G.D. Thompson, architect (formerly 125 Fleet Street) -adopted by City Council on May 6 & 7, 1991 -Building Demolished in 1996