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TAKE A GUESS: name this intersection, March 21st

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We want you to identify this intersection. Leave your guess in the comments section: we’ll hold on to your picks until 3pm when we’ll unveil the answer. If you want to see a larger version of the photo check it out on Spacing Photos.

UPDATE AT 3pm: the intersection is indeed Dupont and Christie (looking west on Dupont at south side intersection).



  1. Dupont & Christie, looking west. This was the original loop for the Dupont cars, before it got moved to what’s now the middle of the Loblaws across the street.

  2. total stab in the dark, but my gut wants to say Dupont and Christie.

  3. dupont & christie, looking southwest.

    most of the buildings in this picture are still there, although the streetcar tracks are long gone.

  4. I’m nearly clueless here: good one. Bloor/Dufferin looking west maybe, or Queen St. East east of Don?

  5. corner of Christie and Dupont, from the front of the Loblaws store (then an industrial bakery) looking west. Love that Bank of Montreal!

  6. I’m guessing it’s somewhere along the 506 Carlton route. I’m sure the bank building is a giveaway, and in fact it looks familiar, but I just can’t place it. I was going to guess somewhere on College, but the tracks on both streets don’t match anywhere that I can think of. I was also thinking somewhere along the east end of the route, around Broadview or Parliament, but the buildings don’t seem to match up.

  7. Dupont and Christie looking west on Dupont.

  8. Sure looks like Christie and Dupont, south side of the intersection. Man, where did all these streetcar lines go?

  9. It’s gotta be Christie & Dupont.
    Both bank buildings are still there, as are the homes built around the same time.
    Dupont is little improved now. Maybe even a little worse.

  10. I recognize both those banks, but just can’t place this for the life of me. The Dominion Bank looks pretty similar to the one at the NE corner of King & Sherbourne. But I don’t think that one’s dark brick, the houses wouldn’t make sense going south on Sherbourne, and the track alignment looks wrong.

    Bah. Despite how easy this one should be, I give up.

  11. Dupont and Christie, looking west.

    I know Steve Monroe will be very please to see not one, but TWO banks in this photo. 😉

  12. Is it looking north on Dovercourt at College?

  13. Mirror Mirror on the wall,
    Is my intersection guess even close at all?

    Dufferin Street looking north at King Street West in the Village of Parkdale. The Dominion Bank today would be a BMO and the northwest corner in the shot is a CIBC.

    I know I am 98.235% wrong today.


  14. Dupont at Christie — as it should look: street car track and no slab signage on the banks.

  15. I’ve no solution today but I’ve been wondering about the number of BANKS that are so evident in the photos.
    I guess it’s because there were no plazas or malls in those days.

  16. That was tough, as I don’t go by there that often and really couldn’t place the banks that well, though they did look familiar. I couldn’t get it, and I know why – the streetcar tracks are set up in a wye (not a loop), which was the Toronto Railway Company’s preferred way to reverse its streetcars (wyes used streets, and no private property). The TTC replaced most wyes with proper loops.

    If I had my copy of 50 Years of Progressive Transit with its track maps at work, I might have got it.

  17. Wow. I grew up near there (I’m not even 30, so this is relatively recently), and but for the streetcar tracks, it’s stunning how little that view has changed (which is of course ironic given how much the part of the intersection you can’t see has changed…i.e. the Weston bakery being replaced with the first giganto-Loblaws).