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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Can they really blame us for not attracting more Scarberians to our various projects and events? If they don’t even know who the mayor is, I find it hard to believe they are about to pick up Spacing and even harder to believe they might check out a game of Capture the Flag.

  2. Whoa! Kevin, again, keep this stuff to yourself and figure out how the world works first.

  3. Forrest Buckingham says he asked building administrators to paint a line on the curb but was told that since the curb abutted the laneway (…)the city would have to grant approval for the paint job.

    Buckingham has been trying to find someone in the city bureaucracy to approve it ever since.

    Um. Why?

    Buy a bucket of paint. Buy a paintbrush. Problem solved.

    Bureaucracy makes people stupid.