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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Oh go on . . .pull the other one.

  2. See how far you have to go to make an outrageous parody of the city’s abandonment of the public interest? It’s not just lust for ad money — it’s a flight from responsibility.

    (Original typo: “lust for ad monkey”. Hmm.)

  3. You really got me going there — but I agree with Michael – don’t give them ideas

  4. I gasped when I read the headline and didn’t exhale until I saw the link.

    The premise is more than plausible.

  5. The premise is not plausable. Its a funny idea, but people… let’s not think this could ever happen.

  6. It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone….

    On August 8, 1925, the first automatic traffic signal went into operation in Toronto. Today according to the Toronto Transportation Services Division (TTSD), Amalgamated Toronto has over 2,000 traffic lights, (their numbers don’t break down by pedestrian signals vs vehicle traffic signals).

    Got me hitting the search engine for more et voila, see for yourselves…

    It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone….