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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Tuesday’s Headlines

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• City could be on hook for Filion’s legal tab [The Star]
• Google says “David Miller” + “mayor” = “Rob Ford” [The Star]
• Environmental fund to be reviewed [The Sun]
• City to cover councillor’s legal tab [The Sun]

• Costly Pan Am ‘surprises’ worry councillors [The Star]
• As Pan Am costs double, Ford says no more surprises [Globe & Mail]
• Pan Am developers await short list of bidders for athlete’s village [Globe & Mail]
• Etobicoke councillor puts the brakes on Pan Am bike course [Globe & Mail]
• No more surprise Pan Am bills [Globe & Mail]
• Pan Am Games costs could jump to $96.5M [National Post]
• Pan Am bike course survives challenge [The Sun]

• James: Transit mobility comes at high cost [The Star]
• The Fixer: Planks on sidewalk a study in stupidity [The Star]
• Beer tank convoy finally arrives at brewery [The Star]

• Police gather to honour Sgt. Ryan Russell [The Star]
• Torontonians say thanks at visitation for Sgt. Ryan Russell [The Star]
• Funeral program: In remembrance of Sgt. Ryan Russell [The Star]

• The Cameron House is reborn as a record label [BlogTO]
• Green roofs in Toronto, one year later [BlogTO]

• DiManno: Freezing death not a sign we’re cold-hearted [The Star]
• Neighbours heard woman’s screams before she froze to death: Toronto Police [Globe & Mail]
• Is Toronto hero-poor? [BlogTO]
• Toronto of the 1870s [BlogTO]


  1. The ‘cost overruns’ for Pan-Am have been twisted and turned to fit the message of the day. Mayor Ford and his executive committee need to put things into perspective and add some realism to their debates.

    Half of the increase is construction inflation – we knew it was coming, we just didnt know if the city or the province would be paying for it.

    The other half is largely due to remediation of a former landfill – again we knew it was coming, we have reserves for it. in fact, we’re only paying for a portion of the costs. UofT is paying for the rest.

  2. J, you seem to be saying the public was sold a bill of goods… but we “knew” it was a bill of goods. I don’t like Ford. I don’t like his posturing on any number of things… but that doesn’t excuse the folks who sold the said bill of goods.

  3. I know this is going to sound somewhat insensitive, but I’m amazed at how much spin the pro-cops crowd is getting out of an officer’s death. It is a horrible thing that anyone should die in the line of duty and my sincere condolences to this young man’s loved ones. But the incident is being used to enforce perceptions about how dangerous police work is when there are other occupations that are significantly more dangerous because of lax oversight by the proper authorities. It was a little over a year ago that 4 men (poorly paid, poorly trained and poorly equipped) died on a swing stage suspended from a rexdale hi-rise… yet that horrible incident already seems to have vanished from collective memory.

  4. SAMG, my point is that the debates should be practical and have a sense of what is real. Everything can’t be spun and re-framed to suit the message of the day.

    use last year’s surplus, dont say a word. see higher costs on last year’s approved projects, blame it on the previous administration.

  5. J,
    Things are ALWAYS spun to suit the message of the day. That doesn’t mean the spin shouldn’t be challenged, but it also doesn’t mean the spin is always wrong. Ford does way too much posturing…but in this case I don’t think he’s wrong to be pointing his fingers at some of the parties he is. Funding Pan-Am games and the city infrastructure that goes along with it may very well be a worthwhile public pursuit, but individuals who sell this bill of goods to the public on the basis that it will only cost X when most in the know knew the estimate was highly questionable deserve to have there credibility challenged, if only for the sake of their future public pronouncements. In other words, just because the spin in question happened in the past is no reason not to call people on it.