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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Re: Police cars.

    I hate the new look TPS cars – they don’t look serious, and the silver lettering on white is not very visible and the Greyhoundesque blue/red swoosh looks cheesy. Police cars should be always immediately visible (as an assurance and for safety), which is why I hate the stealth traffic division cars. Then there’s Julian Fantino’s black colour fetish – he changes the TPS uniforms to black, then changes the OPP cars to the old black-and-whites (which at least is very visible and recognizable).

    I am a bit disappointed with going with red and blue lights. I liked how Ontario was different in this regard, using blue for snowplows and salting trucks, and using red and white otherwise along with New York.

  2. In a provocative move, the city has signalled it wants a court to rule on whether Ontario is failing to pay money owed to Toronto.

    The move came after Ontario Finance Minister Greg Sorbara this week turned down a request for $71-million to fill Toronto’s budget gap this year — money the city says the province owes on its portion of cost-shared social programs.

    Hoo-ah! It’s about bloody time.

    This is risky, though. If the courts say no, that could threaten any future political campaigning along these lines… I wonder what the best way for people to support this is.