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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

[murmur] in Leith

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We’re here in Leith launching our Scottish [murmur] in this seaside section of Edinburgh (though a Leither will tell you about how distinct they are from Edinburgh) and spreading Toronto goodwill. You can take a [murmur] tour of Leith here if you’re not actually here — it’s a very Parkdalian part of town. On Sunday I led a tour of visually impaired folks around a few [murmur] signs. Above we are starting the tour at “The Foot of Leith Walk” — a street that reminds me a bit of Spadina and connects to the centre of Edinburgh — and those stories are here.

Yesterday I led a smaller tour to the Port O’ Leith bar, one of the places that inspired local writer Irving Welsh to write Trainspotting. Stories from this legendary bar are here.
Our Scottish readers (there are some) can come to our launch event tomorrow night (wed) at the Iso Bar in Leith and meet some of the storytellers and story interviewers.
